4 corners, heavy mumblechatter

Following a brutal Hive workout courtesy of Easom last Friday, I thought we would slow things down, and weigh things down a bit. 4 corners in the FMHS parking lot and someone gets to carry their kettlebell AND the 60 pound “guest” bell. We really hit the grip strength today, and the mumblechatter was legendary.


Reps were 5-10-15-10-5 (5 reps on lap 1, 10 on lap 2, etc)

1st corner: Couldn’t see it because the site Q parked over my weinke

Goblet Squats and Tricep Extensions


2nd corner:

Deadlifts and chest presses


3rd corner:

Calf raises and overhead presses


4th corner:

Manmakers (a crowd favorite)

About the only time the group was quiet was during the manmakers… noted. Uhaul made the life decision to never do manmakers.


A little Mary at COT, then off to the weekend.


TClap |

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